Hey! I'm back on the blog! I'm sharing some pictures of my last day of treatment! I got out around the beginning of July and just haven't gotten around to updating the blog.
This is the Avalon Hills Adult Treatment Center in Paradise ( right by Logan) Utah.
Me and my therapist Courtney . ( my hair looks crazy cause it finally started growing back! ) And I'm wearing shorts! I wore shorts comfortably for the first time during treatment:) no more uncomfortable hot pants on hot summer days! And finally able to wear tanktops! I grew up Mormon and was never allowed to cause of modesty rules in the church. My body image therapist along with all the girls helped me finally figure out what I actually like to wear instead of what the church tells me to wear and it's so freeing!
Me and most of the girls at treatment. ( they were in our weekly cooking class. ) I love these girls more than anything! I have made friendships for life! Each and every one of them is absolutely amazing and talented. They are also some of the smartest people I know. There's a game we play during meals and snacks called contact and it's a word game ( which I could never really play cause I'm not a smart walking dictionary) and these girls are so smart!
Me and a friend:)
My mom, dad , and sister took me to treatment and we took that before picture before they left.
A couple months after being out of treatment , Avalon sent me my hoodie and the plate I made in art class , a key , and a USB with ALL the recipes used at Avalon on it. The sleeve of my hoodie says dandelion because when you discharge from treatment your therapist picks a word for you and your journey at your goodbye group and dandelion is what she chose for me because in treatment I had a very good attitude and tried to make the best of everything and help everyone and be happy. My love for flowers is also a factor . Even though dandelions are a weed , it means something. On the key is the quote that my therapist also chose for me " people deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? " -Nhat Hanh which perfectly described me in treatment. Pro staff was always telling me they wish they could just clone me into the other clients and that I made it so much easier and I had a great attitude.
So that this post isn't too lengthy I will stop here and start a different one with more of my story of treatment and recovery. Thank you!